For this ‘Summer Learning Journey’ we have watched a video about the ‘Japanese Puffer Fish’ while watching the video we have to learn five facts and explain in this paragraph of what you have learnt from it. After watching the recording we will follow the instructions told in the description telling us to make the ‘Japanese Puffer Fish’ in Google Draw, I have tried my best making the fish and it turned out to be pretty alright for this activity in ‘Summer Learning Journey’

Facts I’ve learnt about the Japanese Puffer Fish:
It is the natures greatest artist, the tools it use are his fins, the fish could not rest for more than a moment it works 24 hours a day for a week or else some current will destroy its creation, nowhere else in nature construct such thing as the ‘Japanese Puffer Fish’, it makes its art of sand to grab a females attention to make such perfect as art in sand.

One thought on “SLJ – Japanese Puffer Fish

  1. Kia ora Beniz,
    My name is Mrs Williams and I’m part of the Manaiakalani Network Summer Learning Journey team. I just love your Puffer Fish design! You’ve put some great effort into creating those textures and colours in the water as well as the spots on its side!
    I also really enjoyed reading the facts about the Puffer Fish. I’ve seen lots of examples of this task today and you’re the first student that’s mentioned that the male puffer fish makes art! How creative! Isn’t nature cool the way birds and fish and animals adapt to bring creativity and design into their everyday lives?
    Thanks for sharing that! I’m off to find Puffer fish art designs to see what they make!
    ngā mihi,
    Mrs Williams

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