Moment in time

in LS2 we watched a video of a man explaining about the polar bear, as the man gets in the a metal cage, and waiting for the polar bear trying to get inside and trying to make the man its meal for today, but as the bear did that, it could not get in no matter how hard it tried. But later on the polar bear gave up making the man its meal and walks away. After watching the video our groups wrote about the polar bear like “I heard, I saw, I felt, and I wondered”.

My Pepeha

LI: To write and say our Pepeha

To help us to get to know eachother we wrote our pepehas. This allows us to make some connections and form some friendships in our class, LS2. Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Maori in ways such as sharing where your ancestors are from and who your ancestors are.

I found this activity fun because we learnt about each other more and we get to know each other.



Groove Pizza

I dont know what i just made. but it was pretty fun.