LI: To write an information Report that tells the reader about the Bengal Swamp Tiger.

In this activity we wrote a information report Swamp Tigers. We first wrote down notes. We used our smart searching skills to find notes to help us get an idea of what we need. We wrote our own information report and used it in our own words. An information Report tells the reader about a chosen topic by providing the reader with facts.

The swamp tigers use their orange and black stripes to camouflage in their habitat. These dangerous beasts have powerful fangs and razor sharp claws that help them hunt their prey down. These species range from 90-110 cm. And the weight of the male tigers are about 150 kg and the females are about 110 kg.

Swamp tigers are carnivores ( Can only eat meat ) the tigers diet consist of chicken, horse, venison, wallaby, rabbit, beef and goat and each meal they eat contains bones and hides ( fur and hair ) so they can chew on bones to keep their digestive system healthy.

The Bengal Swamp Tiger also known as the Panthera tigris tigris are severely endangered animals. As strange as it seems  these tigers are known to enjoy swimming in the water unlike other tigers or wild cats.

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